Alumni Spotlight: Ana Fujarczuk
By Nicola Brown, MPC2014

Ana Fujarczuk muses about finding her passion for politics and the challenges and rewards of navigating the ever-changing landscape of political communication.
You have pivoted a bit in your career, moving into the political world with your MRP research and subsequent roles in political communication. How did you decide you wanted to get into politics?
I see it more as a natural progression than a pivot. I have always loved language and communication, and I think every position I have ever held has been an exercise in storytelling and trying to bring people together. By the time politics came into my life, I knew that I wanted to pull together everything I had learned so far to serve as best I could. I started volunteering and eventually was offered a position in a constituency office. I have been very fortunate to have worked at the municipal, provincial, and now federal level.
You are now the Parliamentary Assistant to Hon. Kirsty Duncan, P.C., M.P. in Ottawa. What do you do in your current role?
I work for the Minister in her capacity as a Member of Parliament and run her Hill office. This means that I work closely with our team in the riding to serve our constituents. I also liaise with the staff at the Ministry to ensure all three offices can support the Minister as she carries out her mandate. I am responsible for everything from daily logistics to communications products to dealing with stakeholders. The Minister is an exceptional leader, and I am proud to serve on her team.
Given that politics can be a heated and polarizing realm of discussion, what is the key to successful political communications given the presence of new media platforms?
This is tough to answer because of the fluid nature of new media; a codified procedural list does not and likely cannot exist because we are constantly exploring, constructing, and deconstructing each platform collectively. The strategy behind a successful roll out six months ago is not guaranteed to work now. My view is that we need to be perpetual students of the communication process, learn from each other to find best practices, and as always, be authentic.
Newest obsession? Spinning. I think it’s my Dutch heritage; I love cycling!
Latest read? Just finished Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, currently reading Poles Apart by Terry Fallis.
Software you can’t live without? Whatever keeps my cell phones up and running.
Best advice you have ever received? Just keep going.